
Member News: CRA Collaboration with NESS

Corporate Risk Associates Limited (CRA) is happy to announce that Garth Rowlands has started a 1-year secondment to work with Nuclear Engineering Services and Solutions (NESS) in South Korea.

NESS is involved in research and development of Korean nuclear energy. Using its experience of nuclear safety analysis and related research accumulated over many years in heavy and light water reactor safety analysis NESS is completing Accident Management Plans for Korean reactors.

Garth, supported by CRA colleagues back in the UK, is using experience gained from UK Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) to advise and support NESS in Level 1, Level 2, Flooding and Fire PSA modelling activities.

To find out more about this collaboration, please contact CRA Consultant Anthony Bell, +44 (0) 203 813 1900,   

CRA is one of the largest integrated Risk, Safety and Human Factors consultancies in Europe and is renowned for 1st class delivery of quality services to the Critical National Infrastructure. CRA’s multidisciplinary capability skillsets include: Integrated Process Risk/Safety/Human Factors Modelling and Management. CRA’s specialists have supported projects in the Nuclear, Defence, Process, Transport and Business & Finance sectors. CRA demonstrates – Thought Leadership in Risk Management – by organising and hosting the annual Risk Forum now in its 10th year. 

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