
Weekly News Roundup – Monday 5th July

We round up the past week’s news and updates from the world of Nuclear.

Nuclear energy faces hurdles to be included in clean energy investments, by World Nuclear News: “Nuclear energy has been excluded from the UK government’s Green Financing Framework, while several EU Member States have written to the European Commission to oppose nuclear’s inclusion in the bloc’s green taxonomy.”

Romania ratifies $8bn nuclear power deal with US, with Global Construction Review: “Romania’s Senate has ratified an intergovernmental agreement signed last year with the US which aims to expand and modernise the country’s nuclear power industry. The $8bn deal may lead to the completion of two reactors at Cernavoda, Romania’s only nuclear power plant, and the refurbishment of one of its two existing reactors.”

US university plans to build microreactor, by World Nuclear News: “The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) has informed the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that it intends to construct an Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) Micro Modular Reactor on its campus. The university said the submission of the Letter of Intent is the first step in the NRC’s two-step process to license the new research and test reactor facility.”

After 60 Years, Nuclear Power for Spaceflight is Still Tried and True, by NASA: “Six decades after the launch of the first nuclear-powered space mission, Transit IV-A, NASA is embarking on a bold future of human exploration and scientific discovery. This future builds on a proud history of safely launching and operating nuclear-powered missions in space.”

Licensing documentation submitted for Egypt’s El Dabaa nuclear plant, by Nuclear Engineering International: “Egypt’s Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) has handed over the licensing documentation for construction of units 1 and 2 of El Dabaa NPP to the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulation Authority (ENRRA), Rosatom said on 1 July. This marked an important milestone in the implementation of El Dabaa NPP project, allowing the start of preliminary construction, Rosatom noted.”