We round up the recent news and updates from the world of Nuclear.
Grossi aims to strengthen non-proliferation regime, from World Nuclear News: “International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi has called for more countries to conclude and bring into force an Additional Protocol to their Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) with the IAEA. The protocol gives IAEA inspectors wider access to locations and information as part of a push to further bolster the global nuclear non-proliferation regime.”
EU to propose final green investment rules for gas, nuclear energy, From Reuters: “”Tomorrow the college will be looking at the Commission’s delegated regulation on taxonomy, and this file will be the subject of the report tomorrow,” Commission chief spokesperson Eric Mamer told a regular news briefing, referring to the weekly “college” meeting where the Commission adopts legislative proposals.
How a Swiss start-up wants to reinvent nuclear energy, from Swissinfo.ch: “Transmutex is developing a new type of nuclear reactor that burns thorium instead of uranium. These power plants would be able to produce electricity safely and without highly radioactive waste. An ambitious project which could change the landscape of nuclear energy.”
The Netherlands opens the door to new nuclear with €5bn, from Energy Monitor: “One of the most remarkable measures is the ambition to construct two new nuclear power plants. “Nuclear energy could supplement solar, wind and geothermal energy in the energy mix and can be used for the production of hydrogen,” the Dutch government writes in the coalition agreement. “It will make us less dependent on gas imports.”
Nuclear Waste Services launches, from Gov.uk: “Today’s launch of Nuclear Waste Services brings together into one organisation the long-established expertise of site operator Low Level Waste Repository Limited, Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) developer Radioactive Waste Management Limited and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group’s Integrated Waste Management Programme.”